
2014-03-20 - update

I never really got into details of what happened with my life lately.

- I'm still in D/s relationship with Dom but he's been giving me a lot of silence treatment and not telling me why. :/

- I bought a flight ticket to see Dom in this May 14th to visit him before making a concrete decision about moving out there to be with him. Things have gotten little weird lately.

- My best friend Skittles got a new girlfriend and her name is Carly. I think she's a little too young for him but he's pretty good at handling her immature ways and I'm definitely happy for him.

- I'm currently looking for a car to buy.

- I got myself into a mess with meeting new people who turned out to be bad people. I finally got rid of them out of my life.

- I promise myself I would never try kill myself over men, love, trivial stuff. So, basically I will be writing more sad stuff so I don't dwell on it so much.

- I decided to stop going to school until I got the car. It's really hard to deal with city buses here. It's so dirty, so gross, and the smell is just unbearable.

- Jimmy *my ex* and I are friends again. It was weird at first but things have been really cool and we ARE better off being friends than lovers.

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