
2022-06-25 - Dom

me: what is it about me that makes you keep coming back to me? We've been dating on and off for the last 12 years but we've been best friends for 15 years. We're so fuckin opposite in so many ways and sometimes I don't even know what you're thinking about. I know for the fact youre not in love with me but what is making you coming back or sticking to my side all the time regardless whether we're dating or friends? I want love. I want to go home to someone thats excited or happy to see me home. I want to be held when I'm sick, or sad. I want to be told that I'm pretty or that he loves me. I need all that. Coz otherwise I rather be alone in the forest, listening to music and smoke weed for the rest of my life.

him: to answer your question: I have always felt like there's a lot of potential between us. I believe we have a lot of natural chemistry and its easy to spend time with you. I want to spend more time together in person and get used to that too. I think we could develop into a very close and strong connection between each other and I think it means a lot that we stay close for so many years but I believe we can be much closer especially when we are in the same place.

me: god...our love language is so different....... and you still want me?

him: I always want you.


My problem is I want to be in love, I want him to be in love with me and thats it. But because his love language is so different, I gotta get used to that? or somehow figured him out and finally feels his love?

Lmaoo....I think I just need orgasms to just snap the fuck out of this nonsense overthinking.

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